Today many businesses are at risk of being hacked, attacked and having their cyber security compromised. So, what exactly is cyber security? Cyber security is ensuring your systems and files are well protected and safe. Cyber attacks are very common. So common that they occur every 14 seconds but by following some of the tips below, you will help decrease your chances of being a victim of cyber attacks.

DO NOT Reply to Spam

It can be tempting at times; it just looks so real. Even though email systems have anti-spam and junk mail settings, some always slip through. Beware of clues such as misspelled, odd email addresses and most importantly links, files and requests to enter personal details. This includes your personal banking details.

Always, Always Update

Yes, it can be terribly annoying seeing those update notifications pop up but we guarantee you’re better off being safe than sorry. Ensuring your software systems are well updated, reduces chances of computer bugs and security issues. Having a Managed IT Service ensures your security and technology systems are always well updated so you don’t have to worry about complicated, and at times confusing, updates.

Back-up Your Data

Ever lost precious photos or important files after a technologically related incident? Not the best feeling! That’s why it is important to always prepare for the worst by regularly backing up your data. This makes sure that if it happens, you don’t lose anything important such as client files, financial details and any other documents that are vital to you and your business. Plus, it is easy to do.

Long, Strong and Secure Passwords

It can feel so much easier having the same password for anything and everything or having a simple one to remember but you know what that means… you’ve just made a hacker’s job a lot easier. Be sure to use unusual and unique passwords for different systems. The stronger the password, the more protected your software is from hackers. Another tip is to regularly change your password to ensure optimum security.

Always Keep One Eye Open

Keep a close eye on all your systems and accounts, ensuring you catch any activity that seems strange. Make sure you are aware and recall online accounts, digital actions you have taken, credit card payments made and anything else you do digitally. This includes social media as well.

Need more assistance or want to know how we can help you with cyber security? Then email sa***@bi*******.au or call 1300 248 748 to learn more from our IT experts.