The word “Hackers” can send shivers down any business owners spine. As the majority of our business documents and data has transitioned online, we have become potential victims of malicious online attacks. Experiencing a cyber-attack has unfortunately transformed from an “if” to a “when”.

It’s time we acquaint ourselves with the types of hackers that are targeting business owners everywhere. This is so we have the best chance in understanding the force we are up against and how to protect ourselves.

1. Black Hat Hackers

Being technology experts, Black Hat Hackers are able to attack and access any system. Their motive is to steal or destroy data in order to profit for themselves. With this information, they can sell the details (usually banking data) on the black market or harass the company for payment in order to regain the data.

2. Gray Hat Hackers

In this circumstance, Gray Hat Hackers tend to hack without the intention of robbing people. Think of their actions more along the lines of a hobby – they enjoy testing systems to find out where their weaknesses are.

3. Script Kiddies

Script Kiddies are amateurs when it comes to hacking and can be a nuisance to your business. Through the use of technological scripts, they hack networks or websites to gain attention from their peers. They have been known to flood the IP address of a website with traffic so that it completely crashes.

4. Malicious Insider or Whistleblower

This is a difficult hacker to catch early on as they are people working within the organisation itself. Whether coming from a disgruntled place or simply bringing to light illegal activities, they are employees who seek to expose their workplace.

5. Hacktivist

Government organisations be aware! Hacktivists target government websites and networks in order to gain files. The information sourced will usually be used for personal, political or social advantage.

The type of cyber-attack and severity can vary from business to business. That is why your best defence is to have an advanced cyber security protocol in place that is managed by IT experts.

If you want to find out more about how your business will benefit from a Managed Security Service Provider, then click here or email sa***@bi*******.au to organise a complimentary consultation.